Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance to the event. Reservations are not confirmed until the Vendor has been contacted with a confirmation email including a payment link and payment has been received. Nashville Earth Day will send an email with load in details in advance of each date.
Food Vendors can sell any beverage of their choice EXCEPT FOR water, coffee, juices, or smoothies due to exclusive sponsor agreements. Water to sell must be purchased directly from Nashville Earth Day when arriving on-site. Food vendors are free to sell soda of their choice as well as housemade beverages such as lemonade and iced tea. No alcohol sales are allowed.
Acting at its sole discretion, Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to reject any application for any reason. Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to place Food Trucks at their complete discretion. Nashville Earth Day shall have sole and complete authority to place the participant in any location contained in the food truck or vendor area, irrespective of the participant’s request. Due to the layout of the event access road, Food Trucks may be required to back into their space upon arrival or back out of their space upon departure. Please ensure that your driver is capable of backing up the vehicle on a curved path.
All Food Trucks are to provide their own generator/power source. All generators must be whisper-quiet.
All food and beverages must be served in/on paper or other biodegradable food containers (including plates, bowls, and cups). Food and beverages CANNOT be served using plastic wrap, plastic bags, or any Styrofoam/polystyrene foam plates, cups, or containers. No beverages in glass bottles. If any vendor is found to be in violation of these guidelines, Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to revoke admittance of any vendor to the festival at any time and no refund will be given.
All food trucks are required to have $1,000,000 of Liability insurance naming Centennial Park Conservancy as additionally insured, Metro Fire Department certification for the vehicle, Metro Health Department certification for the vehicle, a State of Tennessee business license, and a Metro Parks permit. More information can be found at
Food Vendor certifies it holds adequate liability insurance to cover any occurrences resulting in damage or injury. Food Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Centennial Park Conservancy, Nashville Metropolitan Government, their employees, and agents from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all cost of attorney fees.
Food Vendor shall indemnify and hold Centennial Park Conservancy, its staff, contractors, and volunteers harmless from any claim or cause of action arising out of, or in connection with the acts or omissions of Food Vendor under this agreement, and shall reimburse the Conservancy for the Parthenon and Centennial Park for any costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in defense against any such claim.
Food Trucks must abide by the rules and regulations of the Metro Health Department. Please contact us for more information if you are not aware of these rules and regulations.
Once your application has been processed and approved you will receive a payment link. Payment is due upon receipt. Failure to pay by the deadline may result in revocation of the reservation and immediate invitation of an applicant from the waiting list. ALL PAYMENTS ARE FINAL This is a rain or shine event. If the event is canceled due to weather prior to 2 hours after the start of the event, Nashville Earth Day will refund the Vendor in full. If the vendor cancels for any reason, there will be no refund. Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to revoke admittance of any vendor to the festival at any time and no refund will be given.
Staff and volunteers will be on site to help you find your space. Vendors are responsible for set up and tear down of their space and are responsible for their own property while on site. Each vendor is to provide their own 10' x 10' tent, table, and chairs. Nashville Earth Day is not liable for any loss or damages while on site. If any vendor is found to be in violation of these guidelines, Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to revoke admittance of any vendor to the festival at any time and no refund will be given. Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to place vendors in booth locations at their complete discretion and shall have sole and complete authority to place the participant in any location contained in the vendor marketplace.
Vendors may not begin load out until the event has ended and event staff have given the all-clear to bring vehicles on site or for food trucks to begin leaving.
Vendors should adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, and should refrain from bringing weapons, fireworks, illegal drugs, and glass containers to the event premise. Vendors and their staff should refrain from lewd, obscene, deceptive, or indecent actions, conduct, language, pictures, or portrayals on premise; and nothing shall be presented, used, or sold that is contrary to law or prohibited by ordinance of Metro Nashville Government. Violence of any kind is prohibited and cause for immediate expulsion from the events. If any vendor is found to be in violation of these guidelines, Nashville Earth Day reserves the right to revoke admittance of any vendor to the festival at any time and no refund will be given.
By submitting this application you agree to all of the policies indicated above.
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